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Hair Loss Newsletter: "Hair Growth SOS"

A hair loss newsletter that gives unique, fascinating information.

If that sounds like something you'd like to read, then join "Hair Growth SOS"

This newsletter will keep you up to date with the latest hair loss advice and ideas on how to beat it.

Here's a small sample of what you'll learn:

  • The best shampoos for hair growth, and which ones to avoid.

  • The truth about magnetic hair loss products.

  • BAT - What is it? And how can it help you battle against baldness?

  • Ethnic groups - How hair loss varies between different races.

Gaining new knowledge is vital when it comes to dealing with a problem as relentless as hair loss. So a hair loss newsletter containing cutting edge information is exactly what you need to get on top of your condition.

In each new issue more hair loss facts and hair regrowth information will be revealed. It's emailed out once a month.

"Hi Paul, I am really enjoying your newsletter! Keep em coming. Thanks for doing it."

Mr A. Nemeth

"Dear Paul, Thank you and many thanks as usual for your terrific newsletters."

Diana Tay

"Your emails are always on point. Keep doing the good work."

Dannar Watson

"Hair Growth SOS" will bring you important information delivered directly to your inbox. It's highly recommended for anyone who is serious about stopping their hair loss.

The newsletter is also completely free and only available from this website. To sign up, just enter your details in the form below:

Hair Growth SOS Newsletter Form

Extra Edition?

Although your details will only be used to send the newsletter once a month, very occasionally, there might be an extra issue sent if there's something really important I feel I need  to share with you. But that's it. You will never be sent spam.

Respect for your data

The only information needed, asked for, and used to send the newsletter is your first name and email address.

Your name and email address will never be sold or given to anyone else. The information you give is protected by the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

At the bottom of every newsletter is an "unsubscribe" option. You can quickly and easily unsubscribe at any time simply by clicking that link. If you do so, your personal information will also be deleted.

Free Ebook

Sign up for the newsletter and you also get a free copy of:

"Skull Expansion - True Cause of Genetic Hair Loss"

This ebook reveals what I believe is the fundamental cause of this condition (androgenetic alopecia - the most common type of hair loss). Read this ebook and you'll learn how skull bone growth causes hair loss.

Learn more about the Skull Expansion ebook?

Skull expansion ebook

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